Source : : TroyBoi, Sasha
Sirota, Poo Bear & Justin Bieber[Chorus]
Hoppin' on the red-eye
Hoppin' on the red-eyeNaik penerbangan malam
I can rest assured knowing you're on the other end of itKu bisa beristirahat
ku yakin tahu bahwa kau berada di ujung yang lain
Looking forward to the descent and then you're outMenantikan pesawat
turun dan kemudian kau keluar
See you
Sirota, Poo Bear & Justin Bieber[Chorus]
Hoppin' on the red-eye
Hoppin' on the red-eyeNaik penerbangan malam
I can rest assured knowing you're on the other end of itKu bisa beristirahat
ku yakin tahu bahwa kau berada di ujung yang lain
Looking forward to the descent and then you're outMenantikan pesawat
turun dan kemudian kau keluar
See you